Visiting Sin City for the first time
Las Vegas for Beginners
Las Vegas reinvents itself every decade
Las Vegas, with its spring-fed oasis in the middle of the desert, began in the mid-1800's as a stopping place for travelers bound for southern California. It became a city a hundred years ago.
The famous Las Vegas Strip as a tourist destination dates back to the 1950's. The Las Vegas of the 1970's, 1980's and 1990's is very much different from today. What was just a few hundred hotel rooms numbers more than 130,000. Las Vegas is now the world's premier adult playground. Each resort is almost like a separate city.

Las Vegas is home to practically all of the world's largest hotels ...and prides itself on its fine dining, shopping, sightseeing, dazzling nightclubs and strip clubs, pool parties, entertainment, golf courses, attractions ...and, of course, gambling. It can be quite overwhelming to the first time visitor. We cover it all.
We feel confident that "Las Vegas 4 Newbies" will help to make your first trip to Sin City more enjoyable, at less cost ...and you will learn many valuable things you did not know. This website is laid out like a book. Start your reading by clicking on this Table of Contents link. There is also a similar link at the top of this - and every - page. There are eleven chapters, several appendices and a glossary. They will all appear in due time. Be patient, we are transferring the text from our Las Vegas blog.